Košice 2023

volba2050.world – Climate exhibition for Košice
8 March – 28 April 2023
Alfa Gallery, Kasárne/Kulturpark

Authors: Monika Pascoe Mikyšková, Emília Rigová, András Cséfalvay, Oto Hudec, Michal Kindernay, Michal Machciník, Oliver Ressler, Vladimir Turner, Boris Vaitovič, Jana Bučka, Dorota Vlnová a Michal Fulier, Matej Kaminský a Martin Piaček, Erik Sikora a Nicholas Wintzler

How to see around the corner and imagine the scale of the climate crisis?

The exhibition choice2050.world for Košice illustrates the complex mosaic of relationships between emissions, global politics and climate change through historical and projected events on a timeline. Individual local and global events have different impacts on the situation of individuals in different places on our planet. But how can we accurately predict where society, technology, and our thinking will evolve in 30 years or more?

The climate crisis and its impact on our lives and future generations is no longer just being considered by scientists. Alongside climatologists, environmentalists and activists, artists have also been raising the topic for a long time. They help us to look beyond the ordinary horizon of reality, beyond the paradigm of everyday life, to imagine the unimaginable, to feel what we push out of our minds or name with alienated language. We have selected artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria who are dedicated to these themes. Besides the works of students of the Faculty of Arts of TU Košice, which they have created especially for this exhibition, the local context is also the subject of an interactive game called Volba2050.Košice (volba = choice). Through it, we can better imagine the climate future of Košice together.

The exhibition was realised within the framework of the Košice 2.0 project, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovation Measures initiative.